Casino Heist Gta Online Payouts
- Gta Online Play
- Diamond Casino Heist Hacker Times
- First Casino Heist Gta 5 Payout
- Casino Heist Gta Online Payouts Free
The vault you are looting in GTA Online's Diamond Casino Heist can contain anything from cash and artwork to gold, or even diamonds. The payout varies depending on which type of content you find. Cash is the most common loot, followed by artwork, gold and finally diamonds. The Cayo Perico Heist was introduced as the largest update ever in GTA Online in December (Image via GTA Wiki) The maximum payout for the Cayo Perico Heist is $4,570,600. Typically, a player would.
HeistsCompleting all six missions may seem like a lot of work, but the various rewards to claim make it well worth the effort. Each GTA Online casino mission earns a player between $5,000-10,000, for a grand total of $50,000 for the first five missions. For Grand Theft Auto Online on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Casino mission payouts are garbage'.

The Fleeca Job
A two-person job that involves a simple bank heist. One player drives the car, the other does the hacking and drilling. Consists of two setup stages and the finale.Payout:
- Easy – $57,500
- Normal – $115,000
- Hard – $158,120

Elite Challenge ($50,000 reward):
- Complete in under 5:20
- Nobody gets wasted
- Vehicle damage under 6%
The Prison Break
A four-person job to break a scientist out of prison using a clever ruse and lots of vehicle switching. Involves four setup phases and the finale. It requires a bit of teamwork in the last part, where you do the actual shooting and running away.
- Easy – $200,000
- Normal – $400,000
- Hard – $500,000
Elite Challenge ($100,000 reward):
- Rashkovsky damaged 1% or less
- Extraction in under 4:40
- Nobody gets wasted
The Humane Labs Raid
A four-person heist that requires you to steal documents from a research facility. It has five setup stages followed by the finale. This is the first really complicated heist, and you need good coordination for it. On the upside, you get to fly a fighter jet!Payout:
- Easy – $270,000
- Normal – $540,000
- Hard – $675,000
Elite Challenge (WORK IN PROGRESS):
- Complete in Under 11:00
- Vehicle damaged 2% or less
- Nobody Gets Wasted
Series A Funding
A four-player effort that sees you helping Trevor steal all kinds of drugs. Plus, you get to pretend you’re the garbage man. It consists of five setup phases and the finale. Watch out for the tricky stealth mission.Payout:
- Easy – $202,000
- Normal – $404,000
- Hard – $505,000
Elite Challenge: WORK IN PROGRESS
The Pacific Standard Job
A grand four-player heist, straight out of a movie. It requires the most time and preparation of all, and has five setup missions and a finale.
Gta Online Play
Payout:- Easy – $500,000
- Normal – $1,000,000
- Hard – $1,250,000
Elite Challenge
Diamond Casino Heist Hacker Times
(WORK IN PROGRESS):First Casino Heist Gta 5 Payout
- Complete in Under 10:15 mins
- Noose Not Called
- Nobody Gets Wasted