Casino Arizona Veterans Day Special
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Lauren CusimanoHome / Casino / Promotions / Veteran's Day Military Appreciation We’re saluting those who serve on Veteran's Day! Veteran s and Active Military receive complimentary slot play and a free t-shirt on Wednesday, November 11. We cannot thank you enough for your service. Featured Casino Promotions Keep up-to-date with our promotions and earn rewards today by signing up for our Fortune Club loyalty rewards membership. Weekly drawings for cash and Free Play prizes, t-shirt giveaways, earned continuity gifts, qualify for special promotions and more!
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Veterans Day is here, and we've got a handful of restaurants in the Valley offering specials on Wednesday, November 11. Read on.
Blue Clover Distillery
7042 East Indian School Road, Scottsdale
Blue Clover Distillery in Old Town Scottsdale is dying to show off that new patio. Menu items here include the Scottsdale Sunset ($9) and build-your-own pizza and build-your-own salads. Plus, on November 11, any veteran dining in or taking out will get 20 percent off the entire bill.
Roaring Fork
4800 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale
Beginning at 4 p.m. on November 11, Roaring Fork is offering 15 percent off the entire meal for retired and active military personnel dining in. That includes that beloved appetizer of kettled green chili pork, complete with flour tortillas covered in hot butter.
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EXPANDOriginal Breakfast House
13623 North 32nd Street
From 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on November 11, all veterans get a free meal from Original Breakfast House. That includes breakfast items like the Hog Heaven omelet as well as lunch orders like the Beach Burger or Hawaiian fried rice.
During operating hours on November 11, all Macayo’s locations are offering all active and non-active military personnel and veterans one meal on the house. The free entrée offer is available for guests dining-in, taking out, or through Macayo’s delivery service.
Miracle Mile Deli
4433 North 16th Street
All veterans and military personnel get 20 percent off their meal at Miracle Mile Deli on November 11. And if you miss it, it’s cool, since Miracle Mile does offer a 10 percent discount for veterans at all times. The offer is valid for takeout or dine-in.
S & V Urban Italian
9343 East Shea Boulevard, #100, Scottsdale
S & V Urban Italian is known for wood-fired pizzas and pasta dishes. Veterans can receive a free meal with the purchase of another entrée of equal or lesser value. All they have to do is show their military ID on Wednesday, November 11.
Angels Trumpet Ale House
810 North 2nd Street
All veterans and active military personnel get 10 percent off anything from the dining menu at Angels Trumpet Ale House. Offer is valid on Wednesday, November 11, with a military ID. Angels Trumpet is open from 3 to 9 p.m. on Wednesdays, and happy hour runs from 3 to 6 p.m.
All veterans and active military personnel get a free drip coffee at the downtown Tempe and Old Town Scottsdale locations of Morning Squeeze. Both locations are open from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily.
Thirsty Lion Gastropub and Grill
Multiple Locations
On Wednesday, November 11, Thirsty Lion Gastropub and Grill is offering veterans and active military personnel a complimentary meal and one non-alcoholic beverage. Just show your military ID.
Chompie's Restaurant, Deli, and Bakery
Multiple Locations
Chompie’s is offering 20 percent off entrées for all active, retired and former military service personnel on Veterans Day. Show your military ID for the discount. Offer is available for dine-in and takeout.
Casino Arizona Veterans Day Special
Four Peaks Brewing Company
Casino Arizona Veterans Day Special Day
1340 East Eighth Street, #104, TempeCasino Arizona Veterans Day Specials
Four Peaks 8th Street is offering 25 percent off all food and draft beers — meaning the entire bill, even for a group — when veterans and active-duty personnel flash their military ID. Packaged beers are excluded.
Ling & Louie's Asian Bar and Grill
Multiple LocationsCasino Arizona Veterans Day Special Needs
Ling & Louie's Asian Bar and Grill is offering a free entrée to every veteran or active-duty person who shows their military ID. And if guests mention the Military Assistance Mission, Ling & Louie's will donate 15 percent of their bill’s cost to the organization.
Veterans and military personal get 50 percent off a poke bowl at Ahipoki on November 11 for dine-in or takeout. Just show your military ID at the time of payment.
Barrio Queen
Multiple Locations
Get three free tacos with proof of military service at Barrio Queen on November 11. Plus, $2 from every Jengibre Margarita (the drink of the month) will go toward the Honor House veteran assistance organization till November 15.
Ginger Monkey Gastropub
135 West Ocotillo Road, Chandler
All veterans and active-duty military personnel get a complimentary meal (steak and seafood are excluded) on November 11 at Ginger Monkey Gastropub. The offer is available for dine-in only.
Bonus: Cider Corps
31 South Robson, Mesa
The veteran-owned Cider Corps cidery (and home to Myke’s Pizza) in downtown Mesa offers all active military and veterans a 10 percent discount on all purchases year-round. The taproom also reopens for dine and drink-in today at 3 p.m.
Editor’s note: This article was updated from its original version. See what Valley restaurants are offering takeout, delivery, and dine-in services with our Phoenix Restaurant Directory.
Casino Arizona Veterans Day Special Offers
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